Everything in Python is mutable


开发者之所以喜欢用 Python,很大一部分原因是因为 Python 很灵活。 比如在单元测试里面,经常会用 unittest.mock ,这样可以覆盖一些内置函数,覆盖类的方法,各种灵活的用法。

Developers like Python because it’s possible to modify (almost) everything. This feature is heavily used in unit tests with unittest.mock which can override builtin function, override class methods, modify “constants, etc.

Most optimization rely on assumptions. For example, inlining rely on the fact that the inlined function is not modified. Implement optimization in respect of the Python semantics require to implement various assumptions.

Builtin functions

Python 提供的很多内置函数。 每一个用 Python 写的代码里面都会用到这些内置函数,但是通常却没有意识到这些函数已经被覆盖掉了。 实际上,这种情况非常容易发生.

Python provides a lot of builtins functions. All Python applications rely on them, and usually don’t expect that these functions are overriden. In practice, it is very easy to override them.

len() 函数来举个例子:

Example overriden the builtin len() function:

import builtins

def func(obj):
    print("length: %s" % len(obj))

builtins.len = lambda obj: "mock!"


length: 3
length: mock!

从上面的代码里面我们可以看到 len() 函数被加载到了 func 里面,按照 LEGB` 的原则, 会先在 ``blobals 的命名空间中查找 len, 失败后会尝试在 builtins 里面继续查找。

Technically, the len() function is loaded in func() with the LOAD_GLOBAL instruction which first tries to lookup in frame globals namespace, and then lookup in the frame builtins namespace.

下面这个例子里面尝试用 global 命名空间里面的 len 函数来覆盖调 buildin 里面的函数:

Example overriding the len() builtin function with a len() function injected in the global namespace:

def func(obj):
    print("length: %s" % len(obj))

len = lambda obj: "mock!"


length: 3
length: mock!

Builtins are references in multiple places:

Builtins 在很多地方都有被提及:

  • the builtins module
  • frames have a f_builtins attribute (builtins dictionary)
  • the global PyInterpreterState structure has a builtins attribute (builtins dictionary)
  • frame globals have a __builtins__ variable (builtins dictionary, or builtins module when __name__ equals __main__)

Function code


It is possible to modify at runtime the bytecode of a function to modify completly its behaviour. Example:

def func(x, y):
    return x + y

print("1+2 = %s" % func(1, 2))

def mock(x, y):
    return 'mock'

func.__code__ = mock.__code__
print("1+2 = %s" % func(1, 2))


1+2 = 3
1+2 = mock

Local variables

还可以用比较 hack 的方法来让一个函数来修改这个函数外面的 local variable

Technically, it is possible to modify local variable of a function outside the function.

举个例子: 我们用 hack() 来修改调用它的函数的 local variable, 变量名为 x

Example of a function hack() which modifies the x local variable of its caller:

import sys
import ctypes

def hack():
    # Get the frame object of the caller
    frame = sys._getframe(1)
    frame.f_locals['x'] = "hack!"
    # Force an update of locals array from locals dict

def func():
    x = 1




Modification made from other modules

一个 Python 的模块 A 可以被模块 B 修改

A Python module A can be modified by a Python module B.


同时运行两个 Python 线程的时候,线程 B 可以修改线程 A 的共享资源。 即使是像 local variables 这样只有线程 A 可以访问的资源,仍然可以被 B 修改

When two Python threads are running, the thread B can modify shared resources of thread A, or even resources which are supposed to only be access by the thread A like local variables.

线程 B 可以修改函数代码,覆盖内置函数,修改 local variables

The thread B can modify function code, override builtin functions, modify local variables, etc.

Python Imports and Python Modules

The Python import path sys.path is initialized by multiple environment variables (ex: PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME), modified by the site module and can be modified anytime at runtime (by modifying sys.path directly).

Moreover, it is possible to modify sys.modules which is the “cache” between a module fully qualified name and the module object. For example, sys.modules['sys'] should be sys. It is posible to remove modules from sys.modules to force to reload a module. It is possible to replace a module in sys.modules.

The eventlet modules injects monkey-patched modules in sys.modules to convert I/O blocking operations to asynchronous operations using an event loop.


Make strong assumptions, ignore changes

If the optimizer is an opt-in options, users are aware that the optimizer can make some compromises on the Python semantics to implement more aggressive optimizations.

Static analysis

Analyze the code to ensure that functions don’t mutate everything, for example ensure that a function is pure.

Dummy example:

def func(x, y):
    return x + y

This function func() is pure: it has no side effect. This function will not override builtins, not modify local variables of the caller, etc. It is safe to call this function from anywhere.

It is possible to analyze the code to check that an optimization can be enabled.

Use guards checked at runtime

For some optimizations, a static analysis cannot ensure that all assumptions required by an optimization will respected. Adding guards allows to check assumptions during the execution to use the optimized code or fallback to the original code.